
Here I am gonna tell you about the procedure for getting the job in Technosoft  There are three phases Recruitment Test Interview with SDM Interview with CEO Recruitment Test It contains a set of Questions(McQs,Programming,Theoratical) based on OOP, DSA ,DB ,Design Patterns ,IQ Questions ,Brain Teaser Questions. It was almost 2 hour test but easy ;) These are some Questions that I do remember Make a Class Diagram of this Scenario Write a function using less than 20 LOC?(I had used recursion in that) Define Prototype,Adapter,Structural,Stragety Design Pattern. Find same figures in a set of figures(IQ Qs) Give some good and bad points about Technosoft Write some reasons of downfall of Pakistan And many more……… Interview with SDM It was a 30 minute interview with Sir Muhammad Asif(Software Developer Manger @ Technosoft).Interview was good with such a nice personality. These are some Questions that I do remember Make DB of your FYP project What is Coh